About AHA

American Heritage Academy is organized as a non-profit, private school. Established in 1994, the Academy provides private education in a safe, encouraging learning atmosphere, and encourages exceptional parental support of student learning.

With an entrepreneurial spirit and a willingness to improvise, the founders chose a location. Lloyd Cox funded the renovations while parents and students provided long hours of labor to remodel an old lumber store as the first home of American Heritage Academy . This labor of love was motivated by the desire for the freedom to have God integrated into their academic (secular) learning.

The men and women who founded American Heritage Academy believe that learning is essential to maintaining the blessings of civil and religious liberty. They feel that free enterprise education combined with moral and social instruction will best develop the minds and improve the hearts of its pupils.

Strong emphasis is placed on the relationship between the school and home. We recognize the critical role of parents in fostering their children's education. The Academy is an ally of the family, reinforcing, rather than undermining, parents' efforts to guide the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual development of their children.

•  By preparing its students to become leaders, the Academy promotes a legacy of civil and religious liberty, free enterprise, and individual responsibility.

•  By encouraging the scholarship of its faculty and students, it contributes to the preservation of that legacy for future generations.

•  By publicly defending that legacy, it enlists the aid of other friends of freedom.

American Heritage Academy provides competition in education as a private, non-profit enterprise (school) rather than a government (public) school. The Academy is neither sponsored, endorsed, nor funded by any religious organization (church).


©2006 American Heritage Academy • 1226 Parke Ave. • Burley, ID 83318 • 208-677-4524 • Fax: 208-678-9520